Writer-in-Residence Programs

This program is designed to give teachers and students in-depth, intensive training. It covers the basics of writing, developing ideas, structure, character development, editing, and critiquing.
Overview: The program spans one to two weeks and best suits students 3rd grade and up. Each day, Ying can teach up to three 50-55 minute sessions with three different groups. The groups can be mixed grades, but each group should stay together for the whole program. Ideally, each group is less than 20 students so everyone will have a chance to share their writings. These modules can be modified on a need-by basis, with cooperation between Ying and staff to create the best experience possible for students.
The objective is to inspire students to grow as readers and writers. Students in the chosen
grades will work with Ying in the writing workshops to learn how to elevate the quality of their
narrative writing.
The goal is for all students to finish a story by the end of the week. On the last day,
teachers will choose the three best stories from each class, and the students will present them
to the whole grade.
Week 1:
Day One: “The Basics of Writing” – Students will gain confidence as a writer and develop a clear sense of what your project is about; covering the writing process, basic story structure, and different types of plot arcs.
Day Two: “Character Development” – Students will create engaging three-dimensional characters, complex antagonists, and rich secondary casts.
Day Three: “Conflict, Stakes, Climax, and Ending” – Students will learn the different types of story conflicts, raising the stakes, crafting an unforgettable climax, and writing a surprising, yet satisfying ending.
Day Four: “Revision” – Students will learn Ying’s editing tips on how she revises her award-winning books and address the most common writing problems.
Day Five: “Critiquing and Sharing” – Students will learn the eight essential rules for supportive critique groups and practice critiquing each other’s works.
Week 2:
In-depth story polishing for a competition and publication for writers who have a finished story or completed the week one program.
Overview: The program spans one to two weeks and best suits students 3rd grade and up. Each day, Ying can teach up to three 50-55 minute sessions with three different groups. The groups can be mixed grades, but each group should stay together for the whole program. Ideally, each group is less than 20 students so everyone will have a chance to share their writings. These modules can be modified on a need-by basis, with cooperation between Ying and staff to create the best experience possible for students.
The objective is to inspire students to grow as readers and writers. Students in the chosen
grades will work with Ying in the writing workshops to learn how to elevate the quality of their
narrative writing.
The goal is for all students to finish a story by the end of the week. On the last day,
teachers will choose the three best stories from each class, and the students will present them
to the whole grade.
Week 1:
Day One: “The Basics of Writing” – Students will gain confidence as a writer and develop a clear sense of what your project is about; covering the writing process, basic story structure, and different types of plot arcs.
Day Two: “Character Development” – Students will create engaging three-dimensional characters, complex antagonists, and rich secondary casts.
Day Three: “Conflict, Stakes, Climax, and Ending” – Students will learn the different types of story conflicts, raising the stakes, crafting an unforgettable climax, and writing a surprising, yet satisfying ending.
Day Four: “Revision” – Students will learn Ying’s editing tips on how she revises her award-winning books and address the most common writing problems.
Day Five: “Critiquing and Sharing” – Students will learn the eight essential rules for supportive critique groups and practice critiquing each other’s works.
Week 2:
In-depth story polishing for a competition and publication for writers who have a finished story or completed the week one program.
Check out Ying's Writer-in-Residence Slideshow!
Guiding Forces & Topics of Ying's Residency
Preparation: Stories that Matter
Before meeting with Ying, students should read and discuss some of Ying’s books. Students should choose to work on small moments from their lives that they have already written about. Building on this work, the students will write about moments that matter to them (the birth of a younger sister, the time they were bullied on the bus until an older kid befriended them, the time when a friend convinced them stealing candy from a shop was a good idea, etc.) and elaborate on these moments to create a meaningful fictional vignette. |
Character Development
Students may already know about organizing a story with a problem, beginning, middle, and end, but what is often overlooked is how to develop a character. Ying will teach the students the techniques she uses to flesh out her characters, and they will work together on an idea for a story/character that the student feels passionate about writing. The character may be someone in their lives or even be based on themselves. Guiding Questions
● What can we learn from Ying’s books that can help us write even better stories? ● How did Ying revise her story? ● What can we learn from her writing process? |
Ying offers engaging school visits for students from elementary to high school.
In addition, Ying has visit schools for school fundraising events, cooking classes, and writer-in-residence programs. For more information, including logistics, detailed information on topics and scheduling, equipment needed, working together to tailor a presentation to specific classes, and book ordering, please use the School Visit Contact form and include information you would like. Please also review the Preparing for a School Visit page. Thank you, and feel free to contact to ask questions as well! Follow Ying on social media!